Welcome to West Park Primary School
On behalf of everyone at West Park Primary School, I welcome you to our school website and hope that you will enjoy discovering what makes our school so special.
We are a welcoming and vibrant school that prides itself on serving a diverse community where we learn from each other every day.
Our highly skilled and dedicated staff team, work in partnership with families to ensure they develop the whole child as well as pursue academic excellence. We work hard to help all children in our care grow and flourish in a safe, happy, and nurturing environment as confident individuals with high personal aspirations and a lifelong love of learning.
We promote a ‘growth mindset’ attitude and adopt a solution-focused approach to overcome obstacles and enable all children and adults to achieve their full potential. We encourage children to be confident, independent learners who understand that achieving success requires effort, practice and resilience and that making mistakes is an essential part of the learning process.
Every child is encouraged to ‘thrive’ in all they do. We place great emphasis on children showing good manners, integrity, being respectful, and always ‘choose kind’ so that they become positive and active citizens.
Through our Visible Learning approach pupils know what good learning is and actively seek feedback. We do not accept underachievement for any child and are relentless in our pursuit of accelerated ambitious learning. For more information, please view our Visible Learning page.
As a school we continually seek ways to improve through training, learning from best practice, partnership working and constantly reflecting on what we do as we improve child outcomes.
Please take a look around our website to find out more or contact the school office to arrange a tour.
Azizan Kabil